Living Without Purpose

Where there is no purpose, this can have a negative impact on society.

Where there is no revelation [vision], the people cast off restraint…” Proverbs 29:18

Where there is a lack of purpose and vision, impending tragedy follows. The absence of purpose and the lost of significance, impacts individuals, families, communities and society. It can affect the levels of trust which can make the difference between life and death to an individual or to community. It breeds a lack of confidence, discouragement, frustration, lack of creativity and disillusionment in these places.

Purpose is the motivator, it draws out confidence, untapped creativity, gives people the courage to bring change, not only in their own lives, but those around them.

When God created mankind, each person was designed with a purpose, its God given, it makes us unique. Purpose gives us hope and makes us feel that our life counts for something.

Without purpose we only exist, we have no passion for living, or have a reason to wake up in the morning. This is the story of many people today. There are those seem to live successful lives, yet inside feel a void. A high percentage of people need to know that their life matters.

We live in a world that breeds fear, stress, depression and hopelessness, and with each generation that is coming through, their sense of purpose is losing its value.

The influence of the mediated culture has normalised wrong values and morals and built an unachievable identity of acceptance. It has directed the family and social norms, and what makes a healthy society. The moral fabric of society is being so stretched and bent out of shape, that it challenges God’s original design and purpose for humankind and creation.

As Solomon reveals, where there is no purpose [vision], this has a negative impact on society, both at a personal (micro) level and corporate (macro) level. My belief is, when a person finds their purpose at a personal level, positive change happens at the macro level, if not the negative impact increases.

Our communities become unfriendly and social problems breed, with the lack of purpose. People see no reason for living, they have no discipline in maintaining a moral compass, no commitment to each other, have no respect for each other. Living and moving amongst people who lack their sense of significance, creates an atmosphere of deep emptiness and failure.

If we want to bring positive change in our communities, we can help people to discover their purpose in life, and their reason for being born. There are many people who have undiscovered gifts and talents, suffering wasted lives heading towards lives of crime, drugs, poverty and many other social problems. Many of these people have gold in their lives, and have answers to problems that need to be solved.

Everyone has a right for hope in this life, and know that their life counts for something, otherwise God wouldn’t of designed us for a purpose. So many people are reaching for something, (or trying) though ultimately they need Jesus.

The good news is, we ourselves can find our life purpose and God given call, and start living our God given purpose and do what we have been put on this earth to do. Even better, we can help others around us to find purpose and find a life worth living.

Leanne Carter

If you are having a bad day, find one good thing in it - this is a redemptive mindset.



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