Effective Life Change

It starts with having a purposeful conversation with someone

Effective Life Change

It starts with having a purposeful conversation with someone

Three of the most common underlying questions people have are:

  • What is my purpose in life?
  • What was I created for?
  • Does my life have meaning?

The answers are positive to all three of these questions! And effective coaching can help with this!

Why is coaching good for you? It helps us to find our WHY (purpose), and understand that God created and equipped us for a SPECIFIC PURPOSE, which is unique to each of US, and having the confidence that HE will guide and empower us to fulfil our destiny.

There are some differences between secular and Christian coaching. Secular coaching will focus on your inner strengths and encourage you to do what you “feel” is right.

However, Christian life coaching is based on Gods word, which helps you to define your success as God sees it, not how the world sees it. Christian life coaching also enables you to establish, grow and achieve your goals without compromising your Christian values, operating from a foundation of faith in God. Also led by the prompting of the Holy Spirit enabling you to walk the unique path he has just for you.


Keys to lasting change when using a biblical approach

Seeing Yourself How God Sees You

When you see yourself as God sees you, you will be able to break the mental constraints that you have of yourself that hinder you. Seeing yourself through God’s eyes also helps to close the gap between where you are in life to where you want to be.

Changing your beliefs about yourself and circumstances

When you replace the murky truths you believe about yourself and your life circumstances with life-giving biblical truths, your entire perspective about yourself and how you can live your life can be improved.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

Romans 12:2 says “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will”

By leveraging God’s word, we have the power to be transformed and the ability to break free from the things that have been holding us back. Knowing Gods truths about us helps us:

  • Change what you believe, then your thoughts will change
  • Change what you think, then your feelings will change
  • As our feelings change, our behaviour changes

As your mind is renewed by God’s word, you will find yourself walking in a new found confidence, and having the courage to follow your God given dreams.

Coaching helps us to take a step back, examine our lives, and to explore alternatives, or make adjustments that may be needed, so you can:

  • Discover your life purpose
  • Restore the balance needed in different areas of your life
  • Get a fresh perspectives on personal challenges and opportunities
  • Enhance your thinking and decision making skills
  • Build your confidence
  • Deepen your walk with God
  • Demolish mindsets that are holding you back
  • Improve your relationships
  • Develop an effective plan of action or goals

Consider these questions to discover whether you are ready to or need to be coached:

  • What concerns you?
  • What would you like to work on?
  • What would you like to happen?
  • Where are you in your life at present?

Most of these questions fall within the categories of family, career, health, finance, relationships, etc. Where we look at the issues, bring awareness, find or renew a vision, create a strategy, have a plan of action and find ways to remove the obstacles.

There are many tools available to help you focus on and achieve your goals - Reach out to me for assistance. I’d love to help you.

Remember “coaching is having a purposeful conversation with someone”.

Leanne Carter

If you are having a bad day, find one good thing in it - this is a redemptive mindset.